Train Idle Clicker FAQ

This page helps you to find your way through our game Train Idle Clicker.
It is currently under development and will be improved over time.

What is the main goal of Train Idle clicker?

Your goal is to unlock all train routes in all continents. Build your own train empire. Upgrade your trains to make them faster and earn more money. Discover different wagons in each train and solve tasks to receive awesome rewards.

How do I get more Money?

You get money from every Passenger on your train.
Level up your train conductors and your fun wagons to increase the amount of money per passenger.
Some passengers give your more money then others. You see the amount on the passenger card in the shop and on each station.
Activate a booster to multiply your money.

How do I get more Diamonds?

Your can buy Diamonds in the shop.
Some stations will also give you Diamonds for free.
Spin the jackpot wheel to receive free Diamonds or solve tasks.

How do I save my account?

To save your account you can connect it with your google play account.
Go to the settings and link your account.
You can always disconnect from google play again in the settings.

Game Screenshot Open Settings Game Screenshot Connect with Google Play

How do I delete my account?

To delete your account you can open the settings and press the button: “Delete Account”
You will be asked again if you really want to delete your account.
This action can not be reverted! Once you delete your account, the save game will be deleted as well and all your progress will be gone.
Analytics data and consent data will be deleted from your device.

Game Screenshot Open Settings Game Screenshot Delete Account in Settings Game Screenshot Confirm Delete Account

I did receive less money while I was not online. Why?

When you are not online or active in the game, your train conductors will collect less money.
Motivate your conductors by beeing online and check your trains regularly.

The train or stations do not look like the ones from my country.

All train models, stations, routes and passengers have no connection to the real world. Even though the names on the train routes are the same, the stations are simplified. We might add more train models later.

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